Selected & Featured Clergy:
Our mission is to seek out faithful teachers of the faith, bring their message to the world, and help prop up voices crying in the wilderness, especially if and when the earthly authorities attempt to silence them by banning them from their platforms.
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
✠ The Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke 19:40
Disclaimer: The clergy selected to be featured on Orthodox Sentinel Radio, represent multiple canonical jurisdictions within the Orthodox Church.
Though we are of one Body, the statements, comments, opinions, etc. (public or private), of one selected speaker, do not necessarily represent the opinions, or the endorsement of said statements, of other clergy or their respective jurisdictions, that are featured on this platform.
In XC,
✠ Orthodox Sentinel Ministries, Inc. ✠
A registered non-profit organization in Texas, currently seeking tax-exempt status at the state and federal level

The Very Reverend,
Abbot Tryphon
All Merciful Savior Monastery
Vashon Island, WA

John Whiteford
St. Jonah
Orthodox Church
Spring, TX
Dean of the Southern Deanery
(Texas and Louisiana) of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America ROCOR.

Archpriest Seraphim Holland
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
McKinney, TX
Saint Joseph the All-Comely
Prison Ministry (Serving TX prisons)
Orthodox Africa Mission

Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D.
Saint Andrew
Orthodox Church
Riverside, CA

Father Spyridon Bailey
St. Elisabeth’s Parish
Wallesey, England

Father Moses McPherson
Holy Mother of God
Orthodox Church
Georgetown, TX

Father John A. Peck
All Saint of North America
Orthodox Church
Youngtown, AZ

Father Turbo Qualls
St. Mary of Egypt
Orthodox Church
Kansas City, MO

Peter Heers
Lecturer of Dogmatic Theology at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary

Father Moses Berry +Memory Eternal+
Theotokos “Unexpected Joy” Mission
Ashgrove, MO

Regarding our Programming:
The programming featured on OSR consists of sermons, talks, and lectures
from feasts throughout the church calendar year. Based on the positive feedback we have recieved from listeners,
there are no plans to modify this at this time.
✠ ✠ ✠
Abbot Tryphon: “The Living Word”
Present in all Places and Filling all Things As the Living Word, Christ condescended to become one of us, to take on the condition of our flesh in every way,[…]
Read moreAbbot Tryphon: Divine Flame
The Divine Flame will Consume Us At the very first moment we decide to turn to God, our heart begins to be warmed by the action of the Holy Spirit. Our heart is[…]
Read moreAbbot Tryphon: “The Offender”
When We Are the Offender We all have opportunities to bear the offenses and insults of others, occasions allowed by God to help us acquire the humility that everyone who[…]
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