Patient Endurance: We must patiently endure suffering

The Lord does not allow anything beyond our power of endurance, to afflict us. Whenever difficulties come our way, we only sin if we are unwilling to endure. Suffering is meant to be salvific, for the Holy Apostle Paul tells us, “God is faithful and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to endure.”
We must humbly and with patience labor under the trials and temptations that God allows, lest we squander the opportunity put before us, and fall back into our fallen nature. When we joyfully receive every trial and temptation, knowing the Lord is with us, we become victorious in the battle, and are ever drawn closer to the Lord, Whom we love and serve.
Without suffering and trial, there can be no victory. Without the cross, there can be no resurrection. When we trust in Christ, and do not give in to despair, we share in His victory, and His life becomes ours. If, however, we attempt to go it alone, struggling against temptations and difficulties, without seeking God’s help, we will ultimately fail, and victory will have been vanquished.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

A picture taken on the monastery grounds of The All-Merciful Savior Monastery on Vashon Island in Washington State.