Category: Abbot Tryphon – “The Morning Offering”

"Defending the Faith, with the Sword of Truth."

Abbot Tryphon: “The Living Word”

Present in all Places and Filling all Things As the Living Word, Christ condescended to become one of us, to take on the condition of our flesh in every way, and yet remained sinless. In doing so, he invites us from the darkness of sin which leads to death, to become one with Him which…
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Abbot Tryphon: Divine Flame

The Divine Flame will Consume Us At the very first moment ​we​ decide to turn to God, our heart begins to be warmed by the action of the Holy Spirit. ​O​ur heart is kindled with the divine flame that will transform ​us​. This flame will consume ​us completely, and will melt everything of a fallen nature within ​us. Once this flame of…
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Abbot Tryphon: “The Offender”

When We Are the Offender We all have opportunities to bear the offenses and insults of others, occasions allowed by God to help us acquire the humility that everyone who would follow Christ must gain. Yet sometimes WE are the ones who offend others, insulting family members, coworkers, or sometimes even strangers. The very moment…
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Abbot Tryphon: The Secularization of the American Republic.

Christians must stand firm against this radical takeover. As an American I have clearly seen, over these past fifty years or so, the secularization of our nation, with the end result that evil is taking root. Consequently, the American people are being deceived by an atheism that is ripping our country from us. America is…
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Abbot Tryphon: Humilty

The Link Between Repentance and Humility In an age when “self-focus” is the rule of the day, and where the ego seems to reign, it is hard for people to see the value of humility. Many people, from politicians to rock stars, seem to climb the ladder of success by being anything but humble. In…
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Abbot Tryphon: Hollow Orthodoxy

Taking Orthodoxy beyond the self-congratulatory We must guard against noticing when another parishioner seems careless in the making of the sign of the cross, while we go about demonstrating for all around us, the proper way. Making sweeping signs of the cross that are done in such a way as to be almost a caricature,…
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Abbot Tryphon: “Sexual Sins- The Struggle for Purity in the Christian’s Life”

SEXUAL SINS: 10/30/2021 The Struggle for Purity in the Christian’s LifeSins of a sexual nature are common among many people today. Much of the struggle is directly related to the fact that people do not take advantage of having a spiritual father or mother. If we are our own guide the struggles with sexual passions…
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Abbot Tryphon: “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”

The Morning Offering: October 29th, 2021 The Divine Liturgy begins with the words, Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. This kingdom is our true home and our lives as Christians are centered around the great expectation of the…
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Abbot Tryphon: “When charity becomes an occasion for self worship”

Food is a common problem for many people, for food so often fills a void, becoming a way of comforting oneself when faced with the stresses that are a part of our modern, everyday world. Being in service to others, such as volunteering for many charitable, worthy causes, can be a way of seeking other…
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Abbot Tryphon: Theosis – The Meaning of Salvation in the Ancient Church

According to Protopresbyter George Metallinos, Dean of the Athens University School of Theology, “For we Orthodox the unique and absolute goal of life in Christ is theosis, our union with God, so that man – through his participation in God’s uncreated energy – may become “by the Grace of God” that which God is by…
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